Session Management ( Feature Requests)
- Session Start, Stop, Pause
- Timeout Settings Timer
- Client Seat/Session Swapping
- Count Up/Down Timer
- Configurable Blocker Image
- Post-paid / Prepaid modes
Server Functionality ( Feature Requests)
- View Client status in real time
- View Client status in colored icons
- View Instant Status list
- Session Cost Cashing & Discounts
- Products Sale & Reports
- Versatile Tariff Configuration
- Membership Management
- Multi-level Staff Access Control
- View Session and Sales Logs
- Generate Session and Sales Reports
- Generate and Print Tickets
Client Computer Control
- Shutdown and Reboot
- Temporary Blank Screen
- Client Update from Server
- Client Upgrade Capability
Mkahawa 0.0.4
This is the latest version released on 29th May, 2010. You can download it from here
- Bug fixes for round-off
- Support for 64 bit compilation
- Indonesian, Ukrainian and Spanish translations
- Ticketing bug-fixes. Tickets layout interface re-done
- Improved looks for client: More configurable blocker screen
Mkahawa 0.0.3
This is the latest version released on 13th March, 2010. You can download it from here
- Options for post-paid and prepaid billing
- Options for rounding off price to .00, .05, .10 and .50
- Support for non-alphabet scripts eg Chinese, Indian, Russian, Korean
- Tickets: Printing and general management
- Improved looks - Graphical buttons
Mkahawa 0.0.1
The first version was released on 10th October, 2009. You can download it from here
- Staff Access Management: Different levels of access
- Print-out counting functionality
- Stronger membership management
- Clients can be updated from the server